Aquarius Inflatable Thundercats in the US!
Unparalleled quality and performance that will guarantee years of reliable fun.
What is Thundercat Racing?
The second most exhilarating event of your life
Technically thundercats are RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boat) but unlike most boats under that classification, the thundercat is a catamaran. The inflatable sponsons have an aggressive profile in contrast to traditional recreational catamarans that allow them to turn like they are on rails. The hulls weigh around 200 pounds which helps them rocket from waves in the surf.
Often raced in the surf, thundercats are great for rough water conditions because of their large flotation sponsons and open transoms. Any water that makes it into the vessel, quickly runs out the back. Although it can look dangerous, thundercats are actually safer than most vessels on the water. Typically, a thundercat will have six independently inflated chambers. If one is punctured, the remaining five will easily keep the vessel afloat with only minor degradation of handling.
Thundercats are usually raced 2-up (driver and copilot). Max speed will be better with only a driver but the ballast of a copilot is helpful for making hairpin turns. Since the hull weights about 200 pounds and the motor weighs about 200 pounds, the movement of a 100 - 200 pound copilot about the cockpit can drastically change the location of the center of gravity and thus the ability to maneuver.
Thundercats are typically outfitted with 40 to 90 HP outboard motors. The lighter the motor, the better the handling. The optimum setup is a 40 HP outboard, like the mercury 3 cylinders of 1996-2005 vintage, ported to produce upwards of 90 HP. Despite the modernization of engine technology, the carbureted 2 strokes of yesteryear are still the best fit for thundercat racing. Although the price is typically attractive, the big advantage to 2 strokes are the general lack of electronics to corrode, higher power to weight ratios and no need for a battery for starting.
Simple, reliable, powerful and light are the essence of thundercats.
Not just for racing, thundercats are great for fishing and general recreation. Once the hull is on plane, only a fraction of the running surface is below the water. That makes them great for getting up the creek or to your favorite scalloping spot. Egress and entry is a breeze over the round sponsons which make them particularly nice for free diving. It's an all-condition life raft that is capable of up to 70 MPH.
Getting started with Thundercats
Boat, motor, trailer... what else?
Safety Gear
For even moderate wave jumping, passengers will be well served to have a full face (motocross type) helmet that is capable of getting completely wet without degradation of the internal padding and an offshore life jacket with suitable flotation to right an unconscious driver.
Tools and Equipment
The hulls come standard with storage compartments that are excellent for storing tools and a rope, both of which are helpful in getting an overturned thundercat back in service.
Quality Materials
A new thundercat hull will typically cost 4 to 6 thousand dollars depending on brand. Be weary of old hulls selling for dirt cheap. Cheap thundercat hulls are glued together and have about a 10 year life when well cared for. Poor maintenance can drastically shorten the life of the older hulls. A modern hull will be welded together and be able to take much more abuse in its lifetime.
Fast Motors
Suitable motors can be had for 500 to 7000 (very used to new) and great props can be had for 100 to 400 dollars. Mercury 3 cylinders are great for thundercats. Merc 3 Cylinder Wiki
Feed the Beast
Gas tanks designed specifically for thundercats are preferred over the usual 6 gallon bass boat cans because they fit snugly along the transom.
Give us a Call.
Cracker Bay Thundercats is the Gulf Coast's source for thundercat equipment, be it a turn key setup or just small parts.
No matter the state, we have you covered.
Aquarius Inflatables for the win.

The Aquarius range of boats has been designed to cater for the needs of family, divers, fishermen and professional racers. Manufactured from the finest German VALMEX fabric using the latest thermo-welding technology Aquarius' technical back-up and guarantee will assure you of a solid investment.
All hulls come with a 3 year warranty on workmanship and materials used.
Aquarius has been at the forefront of inflatable race boat technology and has won most of the major titles in South Africa, the birth place of thundercat racing. Racing began in South Africa in the early 80's when local crews raced inflatable boats down treacherous rivers and along rugged coastline. Since the days of those extreme thrill seeking pioneers, inflatable boat technology has come a long way.
"We are continuously striving and challenging the extreme to bring to you, the boating enthusiast, the best technology can offer." -Aquarius Inflatables
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